What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


Submit your project

Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 


Coastal Marine Litter Observatory (CMLO) is a web system designed to detect and map marine litter in the coastal zone with the combined use of drone images and machine learning methods. CMLO has proven its capability to detect and map the marine litter in the coastal zone since it has been extensively used in Greece in more than 85 km of coastline and tested in four other countries (Portugal, Ghana, Israel, Japan). CMLO is able to detect and distinguish the seven main categories of marine litter, including plastics. The system provides functionalities for interaction with the results of the detection for every beach that is monitored. The results presented through CMLO are open through a dedicated geospatial portal. CMLO includes all the derived information as geospatial information related to: points of detection, category of detection, densities of marine litter on the selected areas, litter density maps per area of interest, e.g. island or prefecture, and spatiotemporal visualizations of marine litter per area of interest. The CMLO is a tool for quantitatively presenting marine litter distribution in the coastal zone using automated classification methods. The novelty and innovation of the CMO lie in our integrated approach, where drone data in combination with AI techniques and geoinformatics united into one workflow for marine litter detection and mapping. Through the CMLO SDI portal, users can interact and compare the marine litter detection results for every beach monitored. CMLO and the produced marine litter density maps can be used as a decision-making tools for policymakers and scientists. The integration and visualization of the litter density information allow for facilitating decision-making by stakeholders. Last but not least, the litter density maps and their spatiotemporal analysis are open to the public and organizations (Governments, Local authorities, researchers, NGOs, etc.).

In the Coastal Marine Litter Observatory (CMLO), the detection of marine litter results is visualized as density maps. CMLO includes all the derived information as geospatial information related to:

Densities of marine litter on various beaches in the Greek coastline,
Litter density maps per area of interest,
Spatiotemporal visualizations of marine litter per area of interest.

  • Blue tech and ocean observation

Company behind project


About Us
Scientists, academics and Remote sensing experts. We have been scientists for more than ten years (but we don't have serious experience with the market's needs).

Brief biographies of the key members of your company's founding team:

Dr. Papakonstantinou (CEO) is an Assistant Professor in Cartography and Geoinformatics at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, School of Engineering and Technology at the Cyprus University of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in the field of "Cartography & Geoinformatics" with a specialization in Scale issues in Geovisualization. His main research interests focus on Cartographic Visualization and Geovisualization using Drones for 2D and 3D mapping of spatiotemporal phenomena.

Mr. Argyris Moustakas holds a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a master’s degree in Embedded Systems and Robotics from the University of Manchester. He is involved with the Marine Remote Sensing Group (MRSG) at the University of the Aegean as a researcher, providing technical support and contributing to the design and installation of new equipment for the lab’s Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs). Argyris previously worked for two years in Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company under the Rise Management Trainee Program.

Dr. Topouzelis Konstantinos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of the Aegean. He leads the Marine Remote Sensing Group (MRSG) and is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Plastic Litter Projects. Dr. Topouzelis holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies (University of the Aegean), a master’s degree in Remote Sensing (University of Dundee), and a Ph.D. in pollution monitoring from space (National Technical University of Athens).

Problem we are solving
The technology developed by the Coastal and Marine Litter Observatory (CMLO) addresses the critical issue of marine pollution, specifically focusing on the detection, monitoring, and management of litter in coastal and marine environments. The problem at hand is the pervasive and escalating threat of plastic and other forms of marine debris, adversely affecting ecosystems, biodiversity, and human activities.

CMLO's technology offers a comprehensive solution by utilizing drones and advanced image processing algorithms. It enables efficient detection of litter, ranging from small plastic fragments to larger debris, providing accurate data for decision-makers. By tackling the problem at its source and offering real-time, data-driven insights, CMLO contributes to the prevention and mitigation of marine pollution, promoting sustainable practices and protecting the health of our oceans.

Sustainable Impact on Blue Ecconomy
The Coastal and Marine Litter Observatory (CMLO) offers a unique and sustainable value proposition through its innovative approach to addressing marine pollution. Key aspects of its value proposition include:

Precision and Accuracy: CMLO employs cutting-edge technology, including drones and artificial intelligence, to achieve precise and accurate detection of marine litter. This ensures reliable data for decision-making and intervention strategies.

Early Detection and Monitoring: CMLO's technology allows for early detection and continuous monitoring of marine litter. This proactive approach enables timely responses to prevent further pollution and protect marine ecosystems.

Versatility: CMLO is adaptable to various environments, including shores, coastal zones, rivers, and lakes. Its transferable technology makes it a versatile solution that can be applied to different geographical areas, addressing a wide range of marine pollution scenarios.

Efficiency in Cleanup Operations: By accurately mapping litter concentration, CMLO supports the optimization of cleanup efforts. The data-driven approach enhances the efficiency of resource allocation for removal operations, reducing both time and costs.

Innovation in Data Processing: CMLO's use of artificial intelligence for data processing sets it apart. The algorithm is continuously evolving, improving accuracy with more data. This innovation contributes to staying at the forefront of marine litter detection technology.

User-Friendly Platform: The web-based, fully automated platform developed by CMLO ensures accessibility and ease of use. Stakeholders, including local authorities, researchers, and environmental organizations, can access real-time data, enhancing collaboration and informed decision-making.

Environmental Impact Assessment: CMLO provides spatiotemporal analysis, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of patterns and trends in marine litter pollution. This feature aids in identifying pollution sources, movement patterns, and accumulation zones, facilitating targeted environmental impact assessments.

Ethical and Sustainable Practices: CMLO operates with a commitment to ethical principles and relevant legislation. It aligns its objectives with environmental protection, promoting sustainable practices to combat marine pollution.

In summary, CMLO's value proposition lies in its technological innovation, adaptability, efficiency, and commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, making it a pioneering solution in the fight against marine litter.

  • TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration

  • Readiness Assistance Beneficiary

Financial Needs15000000

Planned Funding Allocation
  • Improve our R&D: 20
  • Sales and Marketing: 50
  • Operations: 20
  • To hire more resources: 10