What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


Submit your project

Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

Zero emission long range passenger ships

With this project we want to make zero emission both possible and economically viable for light built passenger vessels.

  • Shipbuilding & Refit

Company behind project
Brim Explorer


About Us
Agnes Árnadóttir, Co-founder and CEO, Brim Explorer AS
Agnes grew up working in her family business, the first whale watching company in Iceland. She has a strong passion for the environment and has worked in the environmental organization Bellona for several years. Agnes holds a Master in Political Economy.

Espen Larsen-Hakkebo, Co-founder and CTO, Brim Explorer AS
Espen is responsible for the technical operation and innovations in Brim Explorer. He holds a Master in European Society, Science and Technology from the University of Oslo, and has previously worked in public affairs in Brussels. The motivation for starting Brim Explorer was to offer better and more sustainable experiences through the use of new technology and innovative design.

Problem we are solving
The way to zero emission for light-built vessels meets both new regulatory constraints and physical bottlenecks to reach the goal. We therefore need to tackle the weight and efficiency challenges by an optimised design, choosing lighter components and driving innovation on more lightweight solutions like the Brim Tech Direct Drive solution. Our innovations in electric ship design and propulsion are leading the way to more efficient vessels.

Sustainable Impact on Blue Ecconomy
More energy efficient "electric by design" bottom up approach.

  • TRL 6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

Financial Needs20 million EUR

Planned Funding Allocation
  • Improve our R&D: 15 %
  • To hire more resources: 5 %
  • Other, please specify: Build and demonstrate the technology in a full scale model 80%