What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


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Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

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Subsea Mechatronics S.L.

Subsea Mechatronics is focusing in the inspection and intervention of confined flooded spaces such as pipes or tunnels with robotics means. We have carried out a first pilot with Iberdrola in 2022 and during 2023 we had been making innovations in our system and pushing with the technology to get it to the market.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

Sun Sète

Sun'Sète aims at decarbonizing the electricity used in the Port of Sète without land use competition.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy


Combatting aquatic pests, diseases & invasive spp.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Sustainable regenerative bioenergy

Creating circular economy with macroalgae
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration

Sustainable signal & mooring buoys with no plastic

remove plastic from signal & mooring buoys
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

Sustein Scale up

Scale up of sustainable feed protein production
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Aquaculture

Swedish Algae Factory

Cultivation and extraction of material from algae
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


High-performance, sustainable, low-carbon materials
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy


TEDEPAD® is the first system specially designed to treat guts that are gen- erated when processing fish on board fishing vessels, with the aim of completely exterminate their parasites; Especially the Anisákidos, obtaining that those viscera can be returned to the sea without adversely affecting the marine ecosystems. In this way it contributes to the reduction of the concentration of these parasites in the fishing grounds where our fleet operates.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Fisheries


Several problems threaten marine ecosystems such as anthropogenic activities (including overexploitation, overfishing, mass tourism, rising sea traffic, eutrophication, pollution) and the effects of global impacts (namely ocean acidification and climate change). For Marine-EO, the consortium led by Telespazio France, and composed of e-Geos, Telespazio, SUEZ and CMCC demonstrated strong experience in delivering robust innovative EO solutions. They are designed to tackle three environmental issues: 1. The monitoring of the marine environmental status in hot spots (Gulfs, Marine Protected Areas). 2. The detection of fish farms threats. 3. The detection of vessels and icebergs in Arctic areas for a better maritime awareness.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation

Teqplay BV

Teqplay has developed a digital twin of the port and port operations. The digital twin automatically collects public information required for safe and efficient operations and translates this information in relevant business events. This technology provides the basis for optimizing port call operations for all of the involved stakeholders. A port call (the overall process of vessels entering and departing from the port) involves up to 27 stakeholders. In essence does the digital twin provide a real-time shared point of truth (shared awareness) that enables predictable, faster and cheaper port call operations and creates the basis for collaboration.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Shipping & ports

TfI Marine

TfI has developed Sea springs that maximum mooring loads by upwards of 70%, this, in turn, delivers significant cost reductions in the mooring system. Reductions in capex by ~ 50% and Opex by ~20% The target markets are Aquaculture, Floating wind and OIl and Gas These reductions are key for floating wind platforms. With ~60% of the offshore wind resource in depths & 50m, beyond the reach of the fixed bottom, they will become a key enabler to this emerging sector, the floating offshore wind industry.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

The Green Fish Company

Our purposeful mission is to produce the most sustainably sourced, low-carbon, canned yellowfin tuna - solving a problem for retailers, restaurateurs and consumers who want to make immutable, responsible and socially acceptable seafood purchasing choices.
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Fisheries


Subsea technologies portfolio
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Aquaculture

This is Seaweed Ltd.

This is Seaweed champions the circular economy of plant-based derivatives and products; with an aim to position itself as the go-to producer of sustainable seaweed extracts that future-thinking companies will demand.
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Titanium Technology

Titanium Technology offers biofouling-free submerged components and structures. Based on a new technological concept, we use titanium as a nature-based solution (NbS) to reduce the economic and environmental impact of biofouling and create underwater structures 100% biofouling free. The Blue Science we need for the Ocean we want.
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Shipbuilding & Refit

ToolKitX GmbH

We have a comprehensive online collaboration tool for all aspects of offshore windfarm work and management. A lean and efficient Cloud software as a turn-key out of the box solution helps saving you significant resources in the erecting, commissioning and operations of windfarms globally. ToolKitX supplies maritime solutions for safer and more efficient operations of offshore windfarms. The operations hub of ToolKitX features a traffic display solution, Permit to Work, Asset Management, Availability Forecasting, Offshore Personnel Tracking System, as well as an advanced Mobile Work Order Solution.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

Topview srl

Autonomous drone technology for surveillance
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation


Better models to accelerate the decarbonisation
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Shipping & ports

TOWT - TransOceanic Wind Transport

Our mission, since 2011, is to act to decarbonize maritime transport by using the power of the wind for a more sober, less dependent on hydrocarbons, and more transparent mode of transport. Sailing, as the main propulsion, is a lever for economic development in trade and allows us to look for a real energy transition to meet the climate and energy challenge. Sailing-cargo ships offer a modern, cost-effective, reliable and optimized logistics solution based on the innovative use of proven technologies. They are naturally a cost-effective and competitive offer. The first generation, the Phenix class, with a capacity of 1000 tons, will be launched in 2024 (two ships). 6 sister-ships will arrive in 2027/2028.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Shipping & ports