What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


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Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

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Oilean Glas Teoranta

Products extracted from natural resource of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Aquaculture

Olympus Sky Technologies, S.A.

Autonomous Key Management
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation


Our project adapts a product that we already have in the market (high-durability floating farms for mussel harvesting) to be adapted for different sea-basins, be connectable to reduce the transportation costs, and to have remote monitoring to facilitate the farmer works. Considering the resiliency and affordability proven by these farms, the project also adapts their use for the solar floating energy sector. The project has five TRL7 pilots that sum up to 1000 m2 in three different basins for demonstration activities.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Aquaculture


AI aimed at the detection & prevention of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation

Optima Electric Yachts

Ultra-efficient electric motor-yachts / water taxi
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Shipbuilding & Refit

OR-CA (Orbital Robotics - Clean Automation)

OR-CA, an autonomous, wave propelled, semsor hosting platform, for cost effective, large area, longer duration, comprehensive, data gathering capabilities.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation

Orbital EOS

Digital platform designed to guarantee privileged situational awareness and provide accurate information of oil spills at sea.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation

Orca Technologies

Orca Technologies provides innovative, affordable machinery for floating caisson construction, targeting general contractors and port developers. Our solutions enhance maritime infrastructure's performance and sustainability. Mission: Revolutionize maritime construction with cost-effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly machinery. Vision: Lead the global maritime construction technology sector, setting new standards for efficiency, sustainability, and reliability. Values: Teamwork, smart and strategic thinking, agility, fast responses, sustainability, and integrity. Key Takeaways Cost Advantage: Our machinery costs €1.5 million versus competitors' €50 million. Efficiency: Produces 1 linear meter per hour, outperforming competitors' 0.3 meters. Mobility: Transportable by boat and road, enabling simultaneous multiple projects. Sustainability: Reduced concrete consumption and promotion of marine flora and fauna.
Project TRL: TRL 3 - Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept
Main sector: Shipbuilding & Refit

Organa Espirulina / Blauver Foods

- High quality dehydrated spirulina: it's 100% spirulina dehydrated at 40% it's presented as crunchy mini-noodles that can be introduced easily in the normal dishes. - Fresh spirulina: it's recent recolected spirulina, in a kind of pat. The main weak point it's last 7 days in the refrigerator, but it's also its strong point, as not imported spirulina can compete with it. Now we are working with IRTA to increase it's life....
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Origin by Ocean Flagship biorefinery for invasive and sustainably cultivated seaweeds

Origin by Ocean is a deep-technology biorefinery company. With our technology we can utilize any brown algae, enabling us to utilize those invasive brown algae species that have the most negative effect on the marine environment and those cultivated brown algae which provide the most positive ecosystem services. We thus revive the oceans with profit, addressing the global multibillion environmental challenge of artificial nutrient overload of our oceans. We turn this environmental challenge into an opportunity in our multiproduct high efficiency biorefineries. We produce biobased ingredients such as emulsifiers and pigments for fast moving goods manufacturers within food, beverage, brewery, cosmetics, dairy and domestic detergents. We are building a billion euro company and global market leader in the nutrient removal and algae biorefining business.
Project TRL: TRL 6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


B2B platform for social and environmental impact
Project TRL: TRL 6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration


Our demonstrator technology, P-Demo, integrates a 4.3 MW Wind Turbine Generator (WTG), a 0.8 MW Wave Energy Converter (WEC) system, and a hydrogen system comprising a 1 MW electrolyzer, 48 MWh of energy storage, and a 1.2 MW fuel cell. P-Demo is set to become the world’s first wind-wave-hydrogen unit, and it will be deployed at PLOCAN’s test site in Spain. This innovative system is projected to deliver 11.05 Gigawatt hours (GWh) per year of renewable electricity to the grid, avoiding a total of 25,557 tonnes of CO2 equivalent during its first 10 years of operation, with a remarkable 100% relative greenhouse gas (GHG) emission avoidance.
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

Pagarete Microalgae Solutions

High-quality microalgae biomass to be used in feed, food, and cosmetics markets.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Pantreon GmbH

Membrane filtration system for marine application
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

PaRAS Aqua Oy

PaRAS is a modular full scale space saving aquaculture system.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Aquaculture


The Perseus system is a solution to interconnect any desired maritime actor to allow data sharing and collaboration, independent of the systems used by the individual participant
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Shipping & ports


Biocomposite materials filled by Posidonia residues
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Pinovo AS

Stop Ocean Paint Microplastic Pollution
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

PipePredict GmbH

Pipe burst predictions through AI
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation


PlanBlue’s technology combines RGB and hyperspectral sensors with a machine learning pipeline to map and classify the seafloor. To illustrate, it’s akin to the concept of an augmented reality program identifying an object such as a table. With the addition of the hyperspectral camera, the technology not only recognises the object, but can also provide insights into its composition and reveal what’s contained within it, enhancing the depth of information obtained during seafloor mapping and classification.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue tech and ocean observation