What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


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Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

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S39 Hybrid Design Kft.

Protect inlands form the rising sea level with the help of mangrove plants.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration


Tidal energy, a clean and predictable solution
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Other Flood Risk assessment and mitigation

SafetyNet Technologies

Precision fishing for a sustainable ocean
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Fisheries

Sail in Greece

We provide a series of boutique small ship cruises staged in hand-picked destinations around the globe, with our 1st market being Greece We offer boutique island hopping based on itineraries handcrafted from our travel specialists to show you the best of each destination Our crewed vessels are similar to floating boutique hotels, with en-suite cabins varying in size & amenities based on the experience chosen. Experience your preferred destination and island hop on board your private yacht, enjoying the services of a hotel is our product proposition. Our product ( small ship cruises) is strongly market sustainable due to the low emissions of CO2 compared to other ways of travel such as big cruise lines or ferries. On top of that we support the local communities by choosing as suppliers only local businesses on the destinations we visit. Last but not least, all our small ship cruises, use recyclable equipment on board ( from the straws to plates) and recycle all of our rubbish.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Coastal and marine tourism


SATH floating platform is based on four fundamental principles, which are: the use of concrete, the geometry of the floats, the arrangement of the structure and the mooring system, that presents the following significant competitive improvements compared to existing solutions in the market: - The use of concrete instead of steel to reduce the construction, operation and maintenance costs as well as to extend its operational lifetime. - The construction and assembly are made entirely onshore which reduces both investment costs and potential risks (e. g. labour, HSE, and weather windows), finally towing the assembly floating to site. - Platform draught is reduced (draught <10 meters), which makes it suitable for both shallow and deep waters. - It provides a Plug & Play solution, with easy connection process, so the platform can be easily installed or disconnected and taken ashore for major part repairs.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy


Sakowin is accelerating the energy transition by offering a solution for the future: the next generation of sustainable hydrogen production without CO2 emissions at a competitive cost.
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy


Repurposing Ocean Plastic into Modular Shoes
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management


SaMMY is a serious attempt to introduce new services and systems in the global marinas and tourist ports market, similar to the previous market breakthrough success of the smart parking and smart environment solutions. SaMMY allows captains/crew members to easily search, compare, book and securely pay a berth space using on-demand services. The novelty of the system relies on the wide-use of assisting and notification mechanisms that further exploit the capabilities of the smart/mobile devices and the technological breakthrough of using a multi-purpose sensor grid in the maritime environment (for collecting real-time water data, environmental data, boat positioning and behavior or docking areas occupancy). As a disruptive solution SaMMY introduces the concept of Next Generation Marina, by offering multipurpose sensor grids, unified booking and operating management systems, optimizing the marinas processes and increase traffic and revenues.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration


Sanistabilizer is the first full automatic and continuous cycle, sanitising waste managment system that does not employ incineration and can treat all types of waste (food waste, plastic, cans/tins, mixed waste, paper, glass). our innovation uses 70% less energy than state of art systems and removes the need of refrigeration for stock the waste.
Project TRL: TRL 6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Shipping & ports

Sargassum Micro bio-refinery

Solution: Micro biorefinery Our network of mobile micro biorefineries is transforming the industry, turning a hazard into a resource. Connecting seaweed farmers to innovative facilities allows them to transform seaweed into valuable chemical compounds for use in a myriad of industries.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


ScotBio uniquely offers a natural blue colouring
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


SCUBIC is a Water Tech company that develops intelligent platforms (Business Intelligence) to assist entities responsible for water and sanitation management in their daily operations, focusing on the water-energy nexus. The SCUBIC intelligent platform integrates data from water networks in real-time, combining artificial intelligence and optimization algorithms to make autonomous decisions and dynamically control equipment. This makes it possible to evaluate thousands of scenarios, constantly searching for the most efficient strategy to guarantee water supply, optimize decision-making, reduce energy consumption, and CO2 emissions and increase the security of water resources.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

Sea Going Green

Sea Going Green is a sustainable tourism consultancy, focusing on alleviating the negative impacts that tourism is having on the marine environment.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Coastal and marine tourism

Sea Master Consulting & Engineering

We transform the design 3D model/BIM model created during the design phase and convert in an augmented reality hologram located in real scale in the place to be built. Due to high precision positioning (+/- 1 cm) it can be used for improving efficiency in mounting activities, project progress follow up, training, remote maintenance,...
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Shipping & ports

Sea Ranger Service

Ship construction and education
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Shipbuilding & Refit

Sea the Change srl

Helping companies reach sustainability goals through the protection of marine ecosystems.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration

Sea the Change srl

Sea the Change is an innovative startup with a social vocation that helps companies achieve their sustainability goals through projects, with high environmental, social, and economic impact, all linked to the protection and safeguarding of marine ecosystems. Sea the Change operates in a context where climate change, and the resulting issues of biodiversity loss, marine litter, and ocean acidification, are challenging the health of the oceans. It is precisely marine ecosystems that may be the greatest ally in the fight against climate change, given that their CO₂ uptake capacity can be 20 times greater than that of terrestrial ecosystems. Institutions (EU, WEF. UN) are also intensifying interest in the Blue economy, given the important environmental, economic, and social benefits it can generate: "1€ invested in the protection of marine ecosystems can generate up to 10€ of social, environmental and economic benefits" (Deloitte, 2021). Companies, on the other hand, driven by financial, legislative, and market motivations need high-impact sustainability solutions that meet international standards. The "sustainable sea-based solutions" proposed by StC offer companies outputs in line with their ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) goals, making accessibility and local impact its distinctive feature.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration

SEA-SURF(R) Boats with Patented Technology Enabling Sustainable Growth of Maritime Tourism Industry

Extends “Comfortable Inexpensive DAILY REACH” of the Mainstream Charter to 30-50 Nm (!). A patented (2022 Europe and 2023 US) Surfing-v-Hull(R) Hydrodynamic Technology, as realised in our Sea-Surf-14,9m boats entering series production in 2024 in Croatia. For the smaller boats of the size as typical for the mainstream Charter boat industry, provides: (1) Stable high-speed ride on the choppy sea waves – better than boats of twice the weight, (2) Widest effective speed envelope 8kt to 32kt, and (3) Reduction of fuel consumption and the corresponding CO2 footprint by 50%. Enabling the Charter crews to step beyond the traditional "10-15nm daily travel" routine and venture easily to the offshore destinations located 30-50nm away within a 2-3 hour comfortable and inexpensive ride – thereby for the first time including the farther away offshore POIs as the Charter industry’s mainstream destinations – thus promoting a sustainable investment into development of these new locations, which so far have been neglected. And at the same time easing the massive congestion existing currently at the POIs within the “10-15nm typical daily ride" distance. Sea-Surf-14,9m boats facilitate a long-needed change promoting a balanced development of all attractive Maritime Tourism POI destinations, regardless of the travel distance. This in turn will attract significant investment covering a much larger network of POIs and facilitate a more balanced harmonic and ecological development of the Maritime Tourism industry overall – ultimately increasing its attractiveness and leading to its sustainable growth, thus benefiting the communities relying on the Maritime Tourism revenues, whilst preserving the Environment. The technical characteristics of Surfing-v-Hull(R) technology also make it particularly suited for installation of an All-Electric powerplant – which in time will enable the first zero-emission high-speed mainstream Charter boats.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Coastal and marine tourism


Seabased’s turnkey wave energy parks can deliver the immense power of ocean waves directly to the grid, 24 hours a day, all year long. With a pipeline of over 200 MW, our go-to-market product is cost competitive and designed to scale. The parks can operate alone or serve as companions to renewables like offshore wind to provide stable power to the grid with no CO2 emissions. Our scientists and engineers have amassed more than 300 patents and 20 PhD theses while developing and ocean testing full-scale generators in the seas of four countries, including two multi-generator grid-connected demonstration wave power parks. Seabased wave power parks are virtually invisible and require little maintenance. The parks are gentle on the ocean environment and can act as artificial reefs, providing both habitat and breeding grounds for desired species. We are in the final stages of testing and certification and are planning to install our first fully commercial pilot and ramp up industrial production in 2022.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy