What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


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Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

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Filters for microfibres from washing of clothes.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

Plavi svijet d.o.o.

Blue world dolphin watching is already a benchmark in the industry for a dolphin welfare based tours and with the introduction of the self sustainable ships and the AI based smartphone app and platform which promotes citizen science, this will be taken to the next level. We plan to prove that self sufficient solar catamarans can replace the outdated whale watching fleet and thus reduce the negative impact like, chemical and noise pollution. The electric catamarans will serve as research vessels in off-season, and serve as the EU first best practice platform for promotion of renewable resources, marine conservation and the sustainable shift of the dolphin watching and tourist excursion industries While BWI is already a leader in the field of replacing the plastic souvenirs with innovative products and adopt a dolphin programs, we will take it to the next level with the shift to next gen NFT souvenirs through monetization of the BWI data base and AI computer vision.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Coastal and marine tourism


SaaS OEM agnostic data fusion, distribution and analysis service combined with timeline architecture focussed on vessel efficiency, voyage and arrival optimisation. Service generates significant reductions in emissions, costs and associated impacts. Initial product launch has taken place after trial. Accelerated development requires additional resources.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Shipping & ports


marine worm farm, producing marine worms as baits for fishermen and a sustainable feed for shrimp farming
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


Empowering local fisheries community through AI
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Fisheries


We provide the food industry with cost competitive, functional protein ingredients developed from algal byproducts and invasive seaweeds.
Project TRL: TRL 4 - Component validation in laboratory environment
Main sector: Other Food Ingredients and circular blue economy

Power Algae

We have developed microalgae photobioreactors that enable cultivation also in the Nordic climate. The designed system uses the CO2 directly from the biomass-based energy utilities flue gas and also excess heat. From the equipment engineering start-up, we now strive to grow into a company that uses this technology for cultivating microalgae and is making products thereof (based on the cascading principle). We have found confidence in the fish/animal feed sector, but now strive to launch products with higher value - targeting the market of antimicrobial compounds.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Blue biotechnology


PRIMAVERA is an innovation project to demonstrate the technical, economic and societal feasibility of generating renewable electricity from wind in a commercial Port in the Canary Islands.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

Pro Terra Maroc - go circular

Smart proven agri-eco-circular system
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Aquaculture

Probiotic plant biostimulant with Seaweed booster

Reduce Nitrogen runoff from agriculture
Project TRL: TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration
Main sector: Blue biotechnology

Project Blue

After being in the aquaculture farming industry for 10-years, I have identified a clear need for disruption from a commercial perspective, to support new species and purpose-driven farmers. This will not be a marketplace or IT platform. It’s a full ecosystem that empowers farmers in a multi-directional fashion towards a more resilient value-chain for all relevant stakeholders. Through our integrated model emphasizing fair distribution and value creation, rendering us up to 15% more competitive, while farmers retain up to 30% better value for their produce.
Project TRL: TRL 3 - Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept
Main sector: Aquaculture

Project Greenland: 350 Trillion Liters Arctic Freshwater For Drought-Stricken Regions

Commercial exploitation of Greenland’s freshwater for drought-stricken regions In 2017, the Government of Greenland published a new strategy for the export of ice and water from Greenland’s large freshwater resources, where the large inland ice sheet alone represents approximately 10% of the world’s total freshwater resource. GEUS, an independent scientific research and advisory institution in Denmark was charged by Greenland’s government to identify suitable locations for extraction of drinking water from meltwater rivers. Glaciers in Greenland and the Greenlandic ice cap are home to the largest reservoir of freshwater on earth and second only to oceans as the largest reservoir for water in total. The pure, pristine melted surface water from large ice caps and glaciers, 100,000 years old is free of industrial pollutants, toxins, micro plastics, chemicals, PFAS. The global demand for freshwater is projected to outstrip supply by 40% by 2030. Climate change, groundwater mismanagement, exponential population growth and pollution make freshwater the single most precious resource and impact investment opportunity in history. Thomas Schumann Capital's Greenland partners ship the first-ever bulk freshwater tankers in 2024.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Other Greenland bulk tanker freshwater transfer to drought-stricken regions


Pronoe is a CO2 removal company. We restore the ocean’s natural ability to capture and permanently store CO2 from the air, in a sustainable, scalable and asset-light manner. In practice, we design automated water treatment systems that seamlessly integrate into the operations of existing coastal industries. As a result, Pronoe’s activities generate high-quality CO2 removal certificates to customers, valorize otherwise wasted effluents, and locally mitigate ocean acidification. To the benefit of the climate, coastal communities and ecosystems, worldwide.
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management

Proteus Innovation

We develop unmanned electric boats to innovate in the maritime sector.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Coastal and environmental protection and regeneration

Pumped Hydro Storage Sweden AB

The solution to sustainable energy in disused mines
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

Pure Algae Denmark ApS

Sustainable solution for land-based seaweed cultivation
Project TRL: TRL 5 - Component validation in relevant environment
Main sector: Aquaculture

Pure Marine

Water supply: development of the DUO-DS a wave powered desalination system. Power at Sea: development of a wave powered data collection Buoy and Marine Autonomous Systems hub.
Project TRL: TRL 6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Blue renewable energy

Pure Shrimp

Eco-friendly aquaculture for sustainable seafood production.
Project TRL: TRL 9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations
Main sector: Aquaculture

PurOceans Technology Sia

The pioneering, eco-friendly technology performs sophisticated water bottom cleaning in the most cost and time-efficient way, providing a positive impact on the environment. PurOceans can clean up floors of the water bodies from oil, microplastic and chemical sediments without: Applying any bio/chemical substances, Mechanical intervention/lifting of soil, Using electric impulses, Other nowadays methods, that one way, or another, harm flora and fauna. And, it has a number of advantages: New technology - eliminate the pollution from waterbodys floor on the depth of 25 meters (in future up to 200 meters depth), Provide efficient cleaning (proven results - 98% of water/floor purification), Eco-friendly solution no chemical/mechanical intervention, No adverse effect - no damage to flora & fauna in any way. How it works: The technology is based on the principle of FLOTATION (molecular adhesion of petroleum hydrocarbons to the boundary between two phases air and liquid).
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Ocean pollution & water management


Our ongoing project focuses on the development and deployment of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) devices. By integrating cutting-edge fiber-based and free-space transceivers leveraging the principles of quantum physics, we contribute to the sustainable growth of the blue economy. These secure cryptographic key exchange solutions not only safeguard sensitive data but also support marine innovation and environmental conservation, aligning with the principles of responsible resource management and economic development within coastal and marine sectors.
Project TRL: TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
Main sector: Shipping & ports