What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

See our showcase of innovative projects and entrepreneurs who are shaping the Blue Economy.

Projects consist of innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The graphs below provide an overview of the country distribution, sector, and TRL of projects currently listed in the BlueInvest Project Pipeline.


Submit your project

Selection Criteria:

Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)

Your project TRL is 4 or higher

Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative

Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy

Your project is looking for investment

Project Country

Country in which the project is being developed and / or implemented. 

Project Sector

Main blue economy sector the project relates to.

Project TRL

Current technology readiness level of the project. 

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas

We have two projects:

1. A web platform that predicts evolution of spills under demand
2. A data server that provides very high resolution currents data in coastal domains

project 1 is more developed and the following questions refer to this project.

  • Aquaculture

Company behind project
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas


Problem we are solving
Our solution 1 about spill evolution helps to monitor spills that have very negative impact on fisheries, coastal areas. It is produced by agents of the blue economy: offshore oil platforms, ships (tankers, cruises). Our solution 1 helps to mitigate these negative effects.
Our solution 2 helps to find locations where wind offshore energy is more profitable. This is also an important sector of Blue Economy.

Sustainable Impact on Blue Ecconomy
Our solution 1 about spill evolution helps to monitor spills that have very negative impact on fisheries, coastal areas. It is produced by agents of the blue economy: offshore oil platforms, ships (tankers, cruises). Our solution 1 helps to mitigate these negative effects.
Our solution 2 helps to find locations where wind offshore energy is more profitable. This is also an important sector of Blue Economy.

  • TRL 7 - System prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

Financial NeedsLess than EUR 0.5m

Planned Funding Allocation
  • Other, please specify