The BlueInvest Project Pipeline is a database and showcase of projects, scale-ups and SMEs who are driving innovation and sustainability in the Blue Economy.
The projects featured are innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.
The aim is to facilitate connections between projects and investors, helping innovative ventures gain visibility and access to funding opportunities.
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Arctic IP Investment Ab
Mr. Jari Ruuttu (Owner, Chairman, Product & Innovation Manager) who has a proven 30+ year track record developing and commercializing novel packaging technologies and coating processes. He has registered 60+ patent families and founded various startups, including laser technology company. He was also lead R&D Manager Outokumpu, a global shipbuilding company, where he developed a revolutionary processing method for producing copper parts for boat interiors. Mr. Petteri Kinnunen (Owner, Managing director, Project Manager, BSc of factory automation and robotics), who has 25+ years engineering experience in various development projects in the food, plastics, electronics and shipbuilding industries.
To meet today’s and future demand for high-quality restaurant-/catering-type food, the solution is to build a processing and manufacturing plant in the city centres. This Micro City Factory produces fish products and full ended catering-/restaurant-type food. The new ecosystem links together the raw material producer to the Micro City Factory on a way that it allows to offer the service from extreme small service units close the customer. Outstanding, high-class food and hot dishes can now be served via the retailers’ Online Food and click and collect service platform. The new concept includes the Faersk Sous Vide self-heating package concept, which allows serving highest quality top chef hot dishes delivered home. They also include the “Micro Slicer concept” as well as the ‘’Dry Curing during the transportation’’. The Micro City Factory is more than just today’s cloud or dark kitchens.
The many decade's long food trends with consuming the food outside the home have declined heavily since the outbreak of Covid-19. Since the 80s, consumers over the world, with the US in front, have gone over more and more to consume restaurant-/catering-type of food, preferably in just a restaurant and of higher quality. However the Covid-19 broke this upgoing trend and now 85 % of the food is consumed at home in the USA, as an example. The restaurant business is going on low fuel, but instead, the home food delivery is growing. The growth happens mostly via retailers’ ecosystem, as ordinary raw material, when the customer is expected to cook themselves. The market demand for higher quality restaurant-/catering-type of food haven’t disappeared anywhere, but the service is not available as a home delivery option. This is specifically the situation for hot dishes based onto fish because you need high-quality raw material, time for all works, kitchen tools and then the customer’s understanding of how to prepare/cook the fish - which is missing almost totally. We bring the missing tools to the retailer-/catering-service allowing to produce high-quality top chef cold and hot fish dishes on a cost-effective and smart way. In our concept, the only thing the customer needs is a mobile phone and the Faersk application when the Faersk in-package-cooking-system takes care of the cooking. All packages are 100 % recyclable cardboard or aluminium and the use of plastic packages is eliminated.