What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

The BlueInvest Project Pipeline is a database and showcase of projects, scale-ups and SMEs who are driving innovation and sustainability in the Blue Economy.

The projects featured are innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The aim is to facilitate connections between projects and investors, helping innovative ventures gain visibility and access to funding opportunities.


Want to be featured? 

Login to the BlueInvest community & Submit your project


Selection criteria

  • Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)
  • Your project TRL is 4 or higher
  • Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative
  • Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy
  • Your project is looking for investment

What is the BlueInvest Project Pipeline?

The BlueInvest Project Pipeline is a database and showcase of projects, scale-ups and SMEs who are driving innovation and sustainability in the Blue Economy.

The projects featured are innovative, scalable and sustainable business ventures from traditional and emerging sectors of the maritime economy.

The aim is to facilitate connections between projects and investors, helping innovative ventures gain visibility and access to funding opportunities.


Want to be featured? 

Login to the BlueInvest community & Submit your project


Selection criteria

  • Your company is EU-based or from an eligible sea basin region (Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Mauritania, United Kingdom, or Norway)
  • Your project TRL is 4 or higher
  • Your project sector is in one of the 10 blue economy sectors identified for this initiative
  • Your solution has a clear sustainable impact on the blue economy
  • Your project is looking for investment


portfolio of 15 projects for 40MW capacity and >100GWh/yr after 5yrs of project development
the purpose of this JV is:
after having built the wave energy atlas of the French Polynesia with Meteo-France data source (step finished ),
1/ to demonstrate in real sea context, 2 selected different wave energy converters (over 11 candidates) — (in course of authorisation studies)
2/ to transform the demonstration site into:
2a: a training center for islands operators
2b: a 2MW Wave power plant
3/ deploy the systems over the islands in a proper way considering :
- the wave energy resource
- each island electricity consumption level and
- archipelago's maritime infrastructures and local capacities
- Tahiti existing technical capacities (infrastructures, O&M capacities) and entrepreneurship network (construction capacities)

  • Blue renewable energy

Company behind project


About Us
Miss Corinne DUBOIS (Msc Eng. - CEO & Founder)
After 17 years as a project manager with Cegelec (Vinci Energie), a major French electrical contracting group, Corinne first founded a wind energy expertise & consultancy company in 2005, which works internationally on large and small wind power plants.
Corinne founded Ys Energies Marines Developpement, drawing on her diverse experiences in France, Europe and the rest of the world, with the aim of accelerating the take-off of this new sector. Corinne is also detached professor in IMT Atlantique and INSA, and in particular in Universite de Polynésie Française for marine energies. She is also from time to time called for european programs files evaluations as Europaid, H2020, EIC, Horizon, etc..
Miss Céline CAZES (MscEng-CAO-Associate Director)
Céline spent 8 years at the helm of independent wind farm producer and operator Atalante Energies, after working as a field project manager for wind farm development for the previous 10 years.
Céline is now at the helm of the Ys Energies Marines Developpement venture, putting to good use her extensive experience in the field, in setting up collaborative projects, and in team and company management.
Bruno LEMORT (Msc Eng. - CTO- Director & Associate)
Bruno has extensive experience within the Engie Axima group. He spent 4 years as branch manager in Malaysia, and also spent 12 years as a project manager at the Lorient and Nantes sites for customers such as DCNS, Chantiers de l'Atlantique and Thalès Underwater System.
A graduate of Centrale Nantes in naval hydrodynamics and ocean engineering, Bruno puts his skills at the service of YS Energies Marines Développement for feasibility studies and technical management.

Problem we are solving
French Polynesia ZEE size is almost the same as Europe, but with 110 islands on which more than 70 are inhabited, but which are separated the ones from the other from some kilometers to thousands.
French Polynesian Islands mix is almost of a 100% diesel generators so electricity LCOEs are enormous (from 300€/MWh in big islands to more than 1000€/MWh in very remote ones.
PV systems induce batteries that no one knows how to recycle in the islands.
Maintenance and day-to-day operation has to include persons of the local communities so that to remain sustainable.
As oil delivery and prices are announced to become more and more erratic, this is announced to become a real geopolitical problem if no other solution can be prepared.

Sustainable Impact on Blue Ecconomy
Wave energy systems can be rustic and "simple to repair" systems which ask skills in mechanics and diving that are easier to find in islands, than for other types of renewable energies for electricity production.
But the needs of each island bbeing for a small unit only, to only possible way is to compensate with quantities and organisation for maintenance and training for the related skills.
Our JV's program is to implement this deployment gradually and with projects co-built with the communities and French Polynesian government.

  • TRL 8 - Actual system completed through test and demonstration

  • Readiness Assistance Beneficiary

Financial NeedsNow: 5M€ for DEVEX
2026: 20M€ for CAPEX first 3 projects in Tahiti
2027-28: 20M€ for the next 12 projects in French Polynesia

Planned Funding Allocation
  • Operations: 10%
  • To hire more resources: 20%
  • Other, please specify: 70% - investment on project prospection , projects feasibility assessment and development , then on Projects construction